Thursday, August 14, 2014

Chapter 141 . I know a good ol' Ho... Part 2 . Figuring out how the song is going to be...


This is my humble process, an attempt to try to make some music...
In the previous post, I talked about the first step, actually sitting down, and writing the song.
Coming up with the general idea, the general musical idea.

Then comes the second step.
Playing it a crap lot of time, to actually figure now out how it is actually going to play out.
How do you sing that part vs that other part.
Where to put the intonations.
When to breathe and when to slow down.
In one word, practice.

It's fun.
It's not a stage where one actually has to be hyper focused, it's the open stage, the stage of creativity.
Then, the studio recording, and that will be the close stage, the stage to apply what was learnt during the previous one...

It's fun anyway.
- smile -

OK, so, here's where it's at, with some humour you must admit.

And, that's it for now Peeps.
Have fun.


14th August 2014


  1. I already said: my favorite song in the last days...

    I woke up today with this song in my head!


    1. :)
      You should sing on that one!
      I might start real recording tonight, but I think it would have to wait until tomorrow.
      Come away with me, and we'll sing...

    2. ♪ ♫ Ooooo ♪ ♫ Just trying to make believe ♪ ♫ ♪ ♫ Ooooo can't recall if she was festive ♪ ♫♪ ♫

      Hehehehehehe This song is soooooo good!

  2. Tapping my toes right now... :)
