Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Chapter 109: Special Images #1

I always was fascinated by images.
In the old days, I collected, being only half aware of it, pictures that were somehow inspiring.
It went from the entire spectrum of things.
And it went on for a long time.
I still have an absorb collection of posters that we stuck under the coach...

Then came the digital age.
And I happily continued to collect images.
My folder of images on that computer has now 9498 pictures, and, it is growing daily.
This being, of course, only part of the complete collection...

Anyway, I also have my blog folder, which is filled with images I also have collected to share with ya people, and it is getting fat...
Too fat.
With about 480 items a brutal diet was required.

So, today, I decided to post a bus load of pictures, organized the same way they are organized in my folder, by themes.

This goes from classic illustrations to comic books, with a possible stop by Art Deco along the way.
So, here we go:

Ancient Commercial For A Pastis Brand In France

In Between Comics & Movies, Tintin

Le Marché Aux Puces

Good Old Spiderman - A Dark Cover

The Avengers - They Are Coming

The Avengers - And They Are Awaited

Mug Shot

Corto Is A Zombie

Batman Is A Complicated Being

batman is A Tormented Being

I could comment endlessly to any of those images, but I let you do the talking this time.
I am all eyes.

This section is mainly being feed by images I collect from online newspapers, mainly from Europe.
It is the witness of extreme situations.
I do not know if we are supposed to be aware of everything that happens, I am not even sure we have he ability to process that kind of information, but we have the option.
So, here it is:

The Aftermath - Pakistan, India or Afghanistan

Le Déluge - South East Asia

Flying Under The Water - USA


Monks - Thailand

Extreme Floods - South East Asia

Tsunami - Japan

Waste - Africa

Hurricane - Florida

Under The Water - Thailand

Words can be missing, but that's okay.
What really matters is compassion, because we don't have a lots of options.

This speaks for itself.
I often post images from this category.
And, there is a lots of examples nowadays.
People are angry.
Are you?

Don't Tell me How To Dress - USA

Dead Walking Man - Asia

Confrontation - Greece

Revolution - Chile

Anger - USA

Les Indignés - USA

Les Indignés - USA

Confrontation II - Europe

Verdad - Spain

Last Standing man - Libya

I wonder where this is really going.
It is simply astonishing to be witnessing all of that.
What an incredible time to live in.
So difficult to handle...

Ok, time to breathe a little.
I smile.
Inside and outside.
This section is mine, from the family pictures to the cool cars and streets I cross, my own vision of the world.
Naive and childish, it is often the comic relieve.
And, because, I am also a tad lazy, it has the tendency to not be present as the others sections.
I smile again.
Anyway, here we go, with very few pictures, from Victoria BC, where we see a lots of things in red & green:

The Red Car At The Airport The Day Mike Left

The Green Mustang I

The Green Mustang II

The Green Mustang III

The Green Mustang IV

Sweet car.
No other comment.

Ah, this is everybody's favourite, the one everyone agrees about.
- large smile - 
So, this is everything and nothing, this is what i consider being art, without a capital A, just something interesting, inspiring, and that can always be contradicted.
Welcome to the world of Art:

2001 A Space Odyssey Poster

Mr. Ai Weiwei

Ground Zero Concept

Expressing Through Art

Revolutionary Art

Good Old Modern Art

Magnificent Giant Artwork in England

A Real Hobbit House

Doom's Screams

Father & Son

I can certainly say, more to come soon...

You like photography?
What do you mean?
Do you like that?

Man & Dog

Man & Aligator

Man Alone


Man & His Machines


Men & Truck - Also Known As Forgetting To Put The Brakes On

Woman's Eyes - Also Known As The Diamonds Contact Lenses

Man & Pandas

Men & The Cycle Of Life

Where does it start and where does it end, this, I do not know.

Et voila, we have reached the last section already.
It was faster that I had thought.
Comme quoi, lorsque on passe du bon temps, ben, ça passe plus vite!
Let's finish with the people.
It goes from north to south, and goes east and west.
And, it goes through my head too.

Georgia May Jagger - Model

Silvio Berlusconi - Corrupted Italian Politician

Steve Wozniak & Steve Jobs - Apple Founders

Jonah Lomu - NZ Rugbyman

Bjork - Icelandic Artist
Poutine - Russian Manipulator

Dick Rivers - French Singer

Trinity aka Carrie-Anne Moss - The Public Defender

Jane Fonda - American Actress & Activist

And, at last but certainly not least:

Richard, Jagger & Tosh

Voila, I cleaned my blog folder a little, I hope you liked it.
More to come soon.
It's almost like spring cleaning.
Behave and be yourself.


26th October 2011