Wednesday, March 11, 2015

Chapter 157 . New Illustration . The Daredevil . The Man Without Fear

The man who had a yellow suit and traded it for a red one...

He lives without fear, because, he cannot see.
This implies that, without the certainty of the vision, the fear can be taken as an illusion...

As a kid, I use to read The Daredevil, not because I especially liked it, but because it came with the other Marvel Comics I loved reading.
So, in the end, I read a fair bit of the red devil, and somehow, got to like him...
I guess that's like when you start knowing someone, you start liking them...

The blind vigilante was, and still is a fascinating character.

I did an illustration of the red hero learning over the city years ago, but I felt inspired recently to portray him in action, jumping from the side of a building to a pole, like he did when I was a kid.

Also, completely different style than the previous one with Cap America, and still inspired by Mr. Byrne.
The First Snow . Daredevil . The Man Without Fear

On a totally different subject, I am getting quite fond of the Oak Bay area...
The Village seems lovely to me those days.
And if you go all the way down to the ocean, you arrive at Haynes Park.
Honey and I went there the other day. It was sunny and very springy...
She walks and stops at every single flower to look at the shape of the petals, and what happens inside the petals...
She makes me see the invisible.

The trees are blossoming with insane flowers, overwhelmingly perfect, the smells, the perfumes are like flavours, one cannot denied that this is an amazing place!

Let me show you what I mean:
Blossoming Tree . Victoria BC

The thing is that, those trees, they are exploding with flowers...
Blossom Explosion - Victoria BC

Flowers, Tree & Sky - Victoria BC

The Pink Tree - Victoria BC

Eventually, we reached the ocean...
From Haynes Park - Victoria BC

The details, I love the details...
The Greens - Victoria BC

The sun shone, but a cool breeze from the ocean played with our hair...
Hun' attempted to capture it...
Stephanie and the Bench

It was a wonderful afternoon, once again...
Haynes Park - Victoria BC

When we got back home, I worked those pictures, and some were turned into a kind of painting.
It is rare that those one are interesting, but I think those were.
You'd be the judge.
The Painted Tree - Victoria BC

Madness in Pink and Gold - Victoria BC

Painted Blossoms - Victoria BC

Oh, one more thing, we watched Memento recently, so a picture from the beginning at the end:
The Sun is rising:
Sunrise - Victoria BC

This time, that's all folks.
Behave yourself.


11th March 2015

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