Saturday, May 5, 2012

Chapter 116: En Mai, Fait Ce Qu'Il Te Plait!

That's another, somehow absurd, french saying...
Nevertheless, it resonate so nicely...

Rainy Day - Victoria BC

Once again, I have some images to share from some of my observations in Victoria.
We'll get to that in  a minute.
But right before, let's talk for a short while about the french elections, which have their second and last round tomorrow.
So, they will finally know who will be their president for the next 5 years, a man who will acquire an insane amount of power.
It's gone be Hollande or Sarko for another talk decade.
Now, my personal opinion, at the moment, is completely irrelevant. I ain't going to rant about it.
SO, let's have a look at some images I collected recently, while watching a french show called Le Grand Journal, on Canal+.
It is animated by a guy named Michel Denisot, and it is a pretty descent show, where they debate a fair amount about politics and daily french and world events.
Anyway, as expected, in recent days, they have been talking about the french elections a hell of a lot, to say the very least.

Michel Denisot on Le Grand Journal

Two days ago, their invite was Mr. Sarkozy.
The following are some screen shots taken seconds before he goes on stage for the show.
It's rather interesting to try to read his mind.

N. Sarkozy - 3 Seconds to Show Time
N. Sarkozy - 2 Seconds to Show Time

N. Sarkozy - 1 Seconds to Show Time

Also, along the interview, their started, for some reason, to talk about Sarko's profile.
Which he claimed, is quite attractive.
I let you be the judge.

Sarko's Attractive Profile 1

And Another One, Just for Fun

Ok, and now, let's focus a little bit on Victoria.
My back and forth walks to work are my main source of inspiration. As I already said, the way in is from 5.10 am till 5.40 am, while the way back from 3.00 pm till about 3.30, cause I walk super fast, cause I am eager to get home and see the kids.
So, anyway, early morning things include James Bay in the early morning:

James Bay

Cherry Trees, still in James Bay:

Cherry Trees in James Bay

Chinatown at dawn:

Chinatown at Dawn

Cherry Trees in Chinatown:

Cherry Trees in Chinatown

Then, there is the stores, with their products, and their advertisement, mostly in the form of posters.
First, let's look at some clothes.
Last time I mentioned the clothes in Victoria, I wasn't being nice.
So, let's try to change that, even though, i ain't certain it is possible.
On the ladies section, red and black presents:

For Ladies

On the gentlemen section, suit up of course!

Suit Up

Not my favourite suits though...

On the advertisement side, let's look at few of those:
You need twenty bucks?
Here you go:

The poster, is actually pretty good.
Very simple and extremely efficient.
Actually not that easy to achieve.
Thumbs up!

Or maybe, you simply need a new job!
Here we go again:

Again, a pretty good advertisement poster.
Their use of the colours is quite good, and I love the big picture in the middle.
Another thumbs up!

Then, there is that one, where the design is non existent, but the lines worth the look!
Do you want some cheese cake ice-cream?
Sure, here we go, but On A Stick, please!

On a Stick

Or maybe, it is only funny for me!
Either way, it's great.

And, to finish the advertisement section today, here is an excellent logo, all done in vectors, I definitely can tell, and, I admire.
Sadly, the quality of the pic is very poor.
Let me introduce The Soda Shoppe Logo.

The Soda Shoppe

Then, eventually, it gets time to get home.
I walk fast, and pay less attention to details that in the early morning.
The streets are busy, it is early afternoon, and not really intimate.
Still, that's when you come across some amazing cars.
Here is a grey one right out of a James Bond movie:

Grey Car

Grey Car by the Empress

Also, as a reminder of the morning cherry trees, the afternoon flower petals in the dirt.

Flowers in the Dirt

It is now 9.14 am, on Saturday morning, and I need to go make some fresh coffee.
So, let's finish that post and move on with the day.
It looks like another rainy day in Victoria.

This is Charlie:


He is not even 1 year old, and he is the cutest boy ever!
He is my younger son Ethan little brother.
Not mine, quite obviously!
This makes me smile...
Anyway, it's so cool when little people like that look at you and start smiling.
Here is a great meaning of life!

And, at last, but most certainly not least, a sad new, those have become a ghost in the past 24 hours or so:

Beastie Boys

R.I.P. Mr. Yauch.
I can't possibly describe how much you really have changed the way people play and listen to music.

Adam Yauch - August 1964 - May 2012

Voila, that's all for today folks.
Have a great week end.


Saturday 5th May 2012

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