Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Chapter Twenty Two: Curitiba, Parana, Brazil

The sun rises, it looks like it is going to be a nice day.
The sky is some kind of yellowish blue and some weird birds are singing.
In half an hour, the sky covers itself with a cloudy blanket, and the temperature drops.
It is said that you really have four seasons in Curitiba, but all in the same day.
I smile and start my day.

Curitiba is quite an interesting city.
I got so used to the north american cities, that it is like a breath of fresh air to see something not overly organized and somehow sterile.
The patchwork, mix of everything and nothing would make some wonder what's really going on, but to me, it is alive. It's the people taking over the rules.
Don't get me wrong, some things are, hmmmm, absolutely horrific, but all in all, it's a blast.
Here are some of the buildings who attracted my eyes, followed by some interesting night shots.
Oh, by the way, I don't have access o my camera, so all of those shots, again, were taking with my Iphone.
I love that toy.

Building and Tree

Red Building
Red Line Building
Fake Art-Deco Building
Curitiba by Night
Electric Pole at Night
Gratifies in Curitiba
Art Museum in Curitiba
Sunset in Curitiba

You may have noticed that, all the electrics, cable, telephone wires and others are fully apparent.
Some would say, it is a blasphemy!
I'd say, this is unintentional art!
See what I mean??!?!

Amazing Wires in Curitiba's Sky
On Sundays, Elyka, Claudi, Silvia and myself have taken the habit of going places.
Last Sunday we went some places, roughly 40 km from Curitiba.
Claudi knows so many places, the man is really something else.
First, he brought us to a belvedere where you could clearly see as far as eyes can reach.
There, also, there was a fairly big statue of Jesus.
The sky was so blue, it was inspiring.
But, I'd rather let you be the judge.

Breath Taking View of Curitiba's Surrounding

The Secret Back of Jesus
Jesus and the Cable Tower
Then, we got back in the car, a VW Golf, and went to a river, a little further, where we had a lovely swim and a well deserve picnic.
The river was cold, but, as per Canadian standard, it wasn't that cold at all.
I am smiling while thinking about it.
It was absolutely delightful, and so gorgeous.
An old bridge was standing there, silent and reassuring.
When the sun started to set, the light turned all gold, and the colours became unreal.
The beauty of nature lays perfect, all our imitations we call Art reminds me of a child trying to learn how to use primary colours.
The best art is in the real.
Everything else, really, are just pale imitations of the perfection nature produces every day, and has been doing so for as long as the world as existed.
Pay your respect my friends.

River and Bridge
Little White Bridge and Water Reflection
Hills and the River
The Old Bridge and the River
Claudi and the Bridge
Sun Setting Down in the Trees
Sunset and the Clouds

One of Silvia's uncle is an expert in the art of growing orchids.
I took a good thousand of pictures, but I am selfish, from time to time.
So, I will only share one, this time.


And, at last, my favorite subject of all, my lovely, perfect and unique love, my wife Silvia.

Sil and Google the Dog

Happy Sil
C'est tout pour l'instant.
Serge signing of.




  1. Au secours!

    Homme de Sept-Iles

  2. Awww Serge. Amazing, it brings so much joy to my heart to read of your adventure, this life you've grabbed a hold of and fought for your dreams to come true. Sending love to you and yours.

    P.s. I know what you mean about the electric wires being art, when I was in SE Asia I took pictures of them all the time. Beautiful

  3. yes Rajeev, I know...

    I arrived in Brazil 17 days ago, and I am just starting to be ready.

    So, I have been doing researches on our latest project, I am having a hard time finding decent pics of Mr. Houle.
    I think we'll have to change what we had in mind.

    However, I will start working for that on Monday, then we can take it from there.
    My only concern is that, this one might be more work than planned.
    We'll se.
    Hope this finds you well.

    Brazil rocks!

  4. Serge, you make me smile...i love that you see the underlying beauty in all things, whether it be abstract or concrete. thank you for sharing these moments in your life with us... and the orchid! ;) enjoy tomorrow! much love xo

  5. Phaedra, you rock girl!
    Thumbs Up!!!!
