Wednesday, August 6, 2014

Chapter 139 . Time with Karla, Sunrise painting & Images that shake part1


Among the adventures, among the stories, I met Karla, years ago now...
Karla's a photographer.
I remember one of the first time I met her, how excited she was to find out I was also, tom time to time, doing photography.

And time passed by...

And life followed...

Recently, K and I have been hanging out together again, we need to go on a photography rampage soon, he he he!

We spent an afternoon together few days ago, and, was it ever fun!
Karla, it's easy spending time with you!
And, that is a compliment!

Here is a glimpse of our afternoon:

Karla & I

Note the ridiculous face I do on that pic, and the beauty of Karla's hand on the right side.
The hand add so much sensitivity to the pic.
Love it!

N special secret
Don't ask!

View from Karla's patio

Also, I have been playing with pictures, to kinda easily turn them into paintings, as, I am sure some of you have noticed...
Here is a small series of sunrises:

Sunrise #1

Sunrise #2

Sunrise #3

Sunrise #4

Last, for today at least, Images that shake!
I use to post series on that blog, few days of week with a theme.
It was fun but time consuming.
One has to choose egis battles.
Nevertheless, I found some pics that are worth checking out.
Some carry such beauty, but most, if not all, carry emotion that would leave anyone with a soul shaken to the core.
I will share them on and off for a while.
We start with 3.
Ponder on them.
It's powerful!

Man falling from Twin Towers - 11 Sept 2001
How could one look at that and not feel shattered?

Doctor and patient - Africa
Simply unreal...

Man saving kittens from water
Indonesia if I am not mistaken, but I might be.
What was the goal of the man?
Things are rarely what they seem.
Sometimes, they are better!

Voila, c'est tout!


06th August 2


  1. It was a lot of fun Serge! You're also very easy to hang out with :) photo rampage today if you're still up for it!
