Today it is hot in Victoria, British Columbia, Canada.
This is amazing.
And so, it needs to be officially noticed.
We have our first day of summer, by my standards, on the 11 of September.
That is, by itself, something else.
So, very often, I research, for various reasons, mainly because I need references for some drawings, images of
heroes. Mostly super heroes. And, I collect some of those pictures, and, I share with you some of those pictures.
Often, it is a magazine or a comic cover.
But today, we are going to watch some images of heroes that are not covers.
Mostly, they are illustrations that could stand on their own.
I choose them for different reasons.
But, let's just start, would you?
Spiderman |
This is a very interesting illustration, for, not only it is powerful and extremely efficient, but the use of colours is very limited, and I do believe this add a fair bit to the power of the image.
Planet Stories |
OK, right of the bat, I lied. This is a cover... But, hang in there with me and look at that illustration.
I simply could not resist sharing
that with you! From the monster, to the lady, to the guy down there, the future has been shown!
Robin & Batman |
I have never been a big fan of Robin, but here, I must admit, that, this is excellent! E X C E L L E N T !
Finding Out |
Fantastic illustration of the Batman, more human than ever, finding out who the
Red Hood really is.
In The Batmobile |
Seriously, who could resist that one?
The Mighty Bite |
The violence expressed on that picture is astonishing. There is such a movement, it's like grabbing an inch of a second, being a secret witness of a terrible moment. Wolverine and the Punisher I think it is...
Logan, Baby Scooty, The Russian and The Night Crawler |
And, let's just stop this part for today with a smile. I love it when illustrator include those guys in an everyday life situation. Finally something we can all truly relate to.
OK, and now, let's just have a look at some pictures I found here and there, that are, somehow interesting.
Sometimes, fascinating.
Always, surprising.
Let's start:
Sous Les Pavés, La Plage |
This is Paris Beach. I am not kidding. And, this was on a rainy Parisian day, this summer.
Berlin and It's Wall |
This is from when I still lived in France, so a long long time ago. This was the day the wall fell. Hope as in the air. What the hell happened?
Irene |
This was in the States, when Irene invited itself. Looks wet and this gives the picture an amazing feeling of softness.
In the Building |
This is high!!!
Under Water |
And, this is low!
Chinese Worker in China |
Oh my God, this is insanely high!!!!!! (btw, those individuals are payed nothing, dirt cheap, unthinkable, outrageous)
The Hit Wave |
And this, is as low as it gets I think... It's like, you want to be there and you don't want to be there at the same time...
The Perfect Shot |
And this, is, perfect. And yes, it makes me smile. Absolutely perfect...
Eddy Mitchell, a french singer somehow interesting, and sometimes brilliant is touring.
It is, apparently his last tour ever.
Strangely enough, with that particular individual, I believe it is the truth.
Claude Moine, he is, for
the frenchies, Eddy Mitchell.
Here is an excellent picture of a man that is, step by step, getting old.
Claude Moine aka Eddy Mitchell |
And, as it seems I have a hard time getting over, a lady is dead.
And once, not long ago, she was alive.
Amy |
September the 11th 2011
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