I used to, years ago now, work for an independent magazine called HegemonyShift.
We had some good times, and some not as good along the way, we learnt a lot and always tried to stick to our believes.
The magazine was about Art & Politics.
The editor, Mike Routliffe, worked very closely with me, to develop unique, and sometimes, confusing design.
I worked as the art director, illustrator and writer for HegemonyShift.
The third issue (even though five were created) was never finished, and therefore, never published.
However, 2/3 of the content was placed, and the issue stands few feet from completion, waiting for a better day to come, which, I can say without a doubt, will eventually come.
Meanwhile, I thought it was a good idea to publish in my blog one of the article I wrote for that 3rd issue.
JJ Cale came to town, on that 12th of April 2009, and we were there, covering the show for HegemonyShift.
27 Years of JJ Cale - 12 April 09
Writer Serge Foglio . Editor Mike Routliffe . Photographer Rolf
I used to know a fellow by the name of Patrick Tejas.
We are back in 1982, walking from school to his home,
where I used to stay for 1 hour or so listening music and
remaking the world.
This day, do i ever remember this day, we are sitting in
Patrick’s bedroom, a rather small room in a rather small
apartment, scrammed with patrick, his parents and his
two sisters and a dog named Ganja.
He goes to his turning table (remember, back in those
days the top technology was a walkman, and put that
disc on. The disc starts spinning and a “oh so enjoyable”
music starts to play. We talked and talked, and after a
while a beautiful instrumental starts playing, soft, slow
and rich.
I take the cover of the disc, and it is a reproduction of
a pack of famous french cigarettes called Gitanes. The
only difference is that, on the cigarette pack, a gypsy
woman’s dancing, while on the album, it looks more like
a Spanish male flamenco player. Except for this difference,
the cover is perfectly similar, and wear the sweet
title of Shades.
This was 27 years ago.
Since that very day when I listen to that instrumental
song named Cloudy Days, last of the Shade album, I
have been listen JJ regularly. I have listen to all of his
music over and over and over. I simply never got tired
of his music.
And this went on for years and years, a new album coming
out rarely but always being listened to it’s full extend,
and always of the highest quality I could imagine.
I saw him performing in Montreal, years ago at the jazz
festival, and in Vancouver in 1996 I believe, for the Jazz
Fest. too.
And then, I discovered the man, the individual.
Now, Eric Clapton often talks about JJ as his mentor and
he said in an interview with Vanity Fair that JJ Cale was
the man he admired and respected most, because he had
stayed true to himself, regardless of fame, money and
And this people, is unique!
And even though, I ain’t a big fan of Mr. Clapton myself,
I must absolutely agree with me.
JJ is a daily inspiration.
So, you can imagine my excitement when I realized he
was coming to Victoria to play in a small venue, in a
My heart skipped a beat, and tickets were purchased instantly!
We had planned to be at the show about 1 hour before
the door opened, trying to get some very descent seats.
However, we ended up being a tad late, maybe some 15
minutes or so, and so, some 30 people in front of us.
Not too bad so far.
So, then, it’s the waiting game, everyone has to love that
If loss of time could have a definition, it might be pretty
close to waiting in line!
There is many ways to cope with the standing still waiting
for a reason we don’t understand situation, from
reading books to having meaningless conversations with
some strangers waiting around with you, or, my favorite,
looking at interesting people for few short minutes and
then create their entire life history in an even shortest
period of time.
It is, to me, highly entertaining!
So, therefore, we have, the victorian couple, mid 40’s,
with the mother in law coming along, and the older guy
with is wife and their teenager son, only common point
is JJ, and the lady who could be somehow attractive, with
her pale blue sweatshirt, if she wasn’t over reacting all
the time, and also the 3 or 4 losers who simply and bluntly
pass in front of people to get in earlier.
The older lady in front of us got pretty upset about it,
gosh, i certainly don’t!
These guys karma is as dark as their jackets, and they act
like complete idiots the entire time, and so, idiots they
In those type of situation, experience has taught me that
it is way more entertaining to look at the douches and
After all, they are the one leaving with the karmacally
retarded life!
Suddenly, Mike, the HegemonyShift’s Editor, says:
- Look Serge, this is Matt at the door!!!!
I look and yes, it is indeed Matt! Gosh, i have not sen that
dude in years! Going into details on how we knew each
other, what type of project we worked on, and who he
was would take way too much time here, but just for the
story, let’s say he is a born american living in Canada,
and he used to promote shows. I did work with him years
ago, making promotional posters for his venues.
I do remember very clearly the big deal that occurred
when he promoted Clinton Fearon, but I ain’t gone go
there now, even though, it is quite a good story!
Mike said again, as I didn’t react :
- Look Serge, it is Matt!!!!!
As I still don’t react, my memories of Matt knocking at
the door, mike said one last time:
- Serge, look it is Matt!!!!!
Oh, yea, you are right did I finally answer, and he has
gained some weight if I am not mistaken!
At this point, I must add that, I had been very happy all
day long, and so, I was loud and obnoxious.
Dave, Mike’s brother finally arrived, and few minutes
after, the doors opened.
And IN we went!
The room is magnificent.
I saw David Susuki here, few years ago, with Mike.
I remembered the room very well, a church, the acoustic
should be exceptional, and it is small.
We are going to be indeed very close to JJ!
No stage, barely a raised up floor, one step ahead of the
It looks like we are going to have to wait a little longer
for the opening act to start.
By then, I am ready for some good music!
hegemonyshift.com | HEGEMONYSHIFT . A Periodical | June 2009 | Issue 3 | Page 21
Instead, I play the waiting game a little longer.
I look at attractive women.
But, and please, accept my apologies for being so judgmental,
but this was a challenge! very very few attractive
ladies at that show! Disappointing!
There is the dark haired white skin lady, quite charming,
with a pair of porn star sunglasses and a boyfriend, the
two young women at the balcony, one being blond with
long curly hair, the other with dark frames glasses, and
the foxy lady that I can see in between some heads, on
my left, 10 o’clock! This is Mike’s favorite by the way,
but with few exception not worth mentioning here, that
was it for the pretty ladies!
As I am observing the foxy girl, looks like what is called
a cougar frankly, I notice that the big guy sitting right
beside is looking at me. I looked at him at the corner of
my eyes, and, as he is most definitely looking at me, we
start talking.
Turns out, he is a fellow from germany who came all the
way to Victoria specifically to see the JJ Show. He mentioned
he had first thought about San Fran, then Vancouver,
but the only tickets he could get his hand on was
for the victoria show.
he looked at me and said:
- You look a little young to come and see that type of
I said:
- Well, I ain’t as young as I look, I have been listening to
JJ Cale for 27 years!
- Oh, did he reply, well, I am sorry...
It was so cute!
Rolf and I chatted for a little while, he has a camera, so he
is going to send me his pictures for the newspaper, we
exchange emails and such, and this is a perfect example
on how things do happen. It flows, there is no need to
force it!
This is indeed a very good sign.
And suddenly, that short guy comes on stage, he is quite
obviously intimidated by the crowd, sits down on a chair
and takes one of the three guitars that surround him, and
says that he is going to mildly entertain us until JJ and his
fantastic band comes up.
And, the short fellow started playing some slide/ picking
guitar, and, oh my God, was he ever phenomenal!
I do not ever remember an opening act of such quality,
and I have seen show in my life people, but Mr. Dawson
was something else.
A mix of beautiful - and I do mean beautiful with a major
B - music, from blues to blue grass with a rock and
folk touch, themes praised by blue grass people, simple,
straight to the roots, existentialism, and an obvious talent.
Alone on stage, Mr. Dawson will play about 5 songs, in
the glorious acoustic of the church, and the audience
was mesmerized.
When this was over, Looked at Dave and Mike and
- What the heck just happened??!?!?! A miracle??????
We were, the three of us, absolutely taken off our feet!
And, this is rare people!
And, more of the waiting game now...
So, JJ is not even his name.
His real name is John Cale, but, back in 1971, when he
launched his first album, Naturally, there was another
band with a fair amount of success, The Velvet Underground.
The bass player’s name was John Cale, so,
for obvious reasons, his name was changed to JJ. As it
worked, he stuck with it, but let’s all be on the same page
please, his name is John Cale!
Mr. Dawson had left the stage for maybe 5 minutes, and
roadies were setting up few instruments and tuning
them up.
An older guy came on stage, walking and chatting with
people, dressed with a jean, a pair of white old shoes,
and dark raggedy t-shirt.
This is JJ people.
This is what I am talking about, this is why he is one of
my most important role model, because, before being
Eric Clapton’s mentor, before being Mark Knoffler’s
mentor, before setting up the bases of blue jazz and rock
for decades to come, JJ is a simple man.
He is not touring because he just released a new album,
gosh no, no promotion for JJ!
He is touring because he is a musician.
In a fantastic documentary I had the chance to watch few
times, he explains his way of seeing life. He talks about
something that happened in 1972 or so, after the released
of Naturally, he receives a phone call from his producer.
The lady told him the disc was working pretty good, and
he had a hit! So now, he needed to get his stuff together
and start touring!
JJ simply answered:
- If I already have a hit, why should I go tour?
And he didn’t...
This is common sense we ALL need!
His themes are all about real life and real people in small
places, in big cities, it always feel like a life experience,
like something he actually experimented, or someone
close to him did. Therefore, truthness and honesty are
also being carried in his music. And this is very important
in the nowadays world we live in.
Because, someone who can stays true to itself regardless
of the events that life brings, is someone we should pay
more attention to.
These people might have an answer to many questions
we have.
So, am I saying that he brings philosophy to blues and
Philosophy IS part of blues and rock regardless people!
So, yes, he does!
And then, it starts.
Music flows, he is caressing the guitar, one could ever
wonder if he really is playing, he barely touches the
string, but there is no doubt that the master is playing!
With a male band of 4, drum, bass, keyboard and percussion,
and JJ on voice and guitar.
And he doesn’t stops. One song after the other.
He plays five song in a row, then stops for thirty seconds,
says something, and starts again.
He plays classics after classic, it flows so well,it feels like
witnessing a miracle.
When you play with the same guys for fifty years though,
chances are the music is going to be tight!
And so, it allows a lots of improvisation. He is not performing
at a show, he is jamming with his buddy in his
living room.
We are just the luckiest witnesses ever.
The entire show I am jumping around in my chair, my
feet beating the floor to the rhythm, I have a real hard
time not yelling all the lyrics while he sings, and I am
thrilled he makes all sing together the chorus of Crazy
Mama, which by the way, the audience sang perfectly.
Once in a while, Mike and I are looking at each other, we
are like, In heaven!
And he played and played.
And, frankly, I could have stayed there all night long, listening
to the 170 songs he wrote in the past 50 years.
An then, after one encore, it was over.
Ears filled with music, and hearts filled with love and satisfaction,
we head home.
As we leave, I say bubye to Rolf, making sure he has my
correct contact information, and I walked out, following
Dave and Mike.
I notice the dark haired lady that I found attractive earlier.
She is looking at me, more than once, and there is no
doubt she IS looking at me.
And, in the meanwhile, she has her head on her boyfriend’s
Go figure.
I just smiled and walked away...
You don’t come here too often
You make my day when you come around
You know I love you something awful
You’re a diamond I have found...
JJ Cale
Voila, that's all for now folks.
Have yourself a good day.
As for me, I might draw...
27th of July 2011
NDLR: Our regular series will not be featured in that post but will resume in a near future.
We had some good times, and some not as good along the way, we learnt a lot and always tried to stick to our believes.
The magazine was about Art & Politics.
The editor, Mike Routliffe, worked very closely with me, to develop unique, and sometimes, confusing design.
I worked as the art director, illustrator and writer for HegemonyShift.
The third issue (even though five were created) was never finished, and therefore, never published.
However, 2/3 of the content was placed, and the issue stands few feet from completion, waiting for a better day to come, which, I can say without a doubt, will eventually come.
Meanwhile, I thought it was a good idea to publish in my blog one of the article I wrote for that 3rd issue.
JJ Cale came to town, on that 12th of April 2009, and we were there, covering the show for HegemonyShift.
![]() |
John Cale also known as JJ Cale |
27 Years of JJ Cale - 12 April 09
Writer Serge Foglio . Editor Mike Routliffe . Photographer Rolf
I used to know a fellow by the name of Patrick Tejas.
We are back in 1982, walking from school to his home,
where I used to stay for 1 hour or so listening music and
remaking the world.
This day, do i ever remember this day, we are sitting in
Patrick’s bedroom, a rather small room in a rather small
apartment, scrammed with patrick, his parents and his
two sisters and a dog named Ganja.
He goes to his turning table (remember, back in those
days the top technology was a walkman, and put that
disc on. The disc starts spinning and a “oh so enjoyable”
music starts to play. We talked and talked, and after a
while a beautiful instrumental starts playing, soft, slow
and rich.
I take the cover of the disc, and it is a reproduction of
a pack of famous french cigarettes called Gitanes. The
only difference is that, on the cigarette pack, a gypsy
woman’s dancing, while on the album, it looks more like
a Spanish male flamenco player. Except for this difference,
the cover is perfectly similar, and wear the sweet
title of Shades.
This was 27 years ago.
Since that very day when I listen to that instrumental
song named Cloudy Days, last of the Shade album, I
have been listen JJ regularly. I have listen to all of his
music over and over and over. I simply never got tired
of his music.
And this went on for years and years, a new album coming
out rarely but always being listened to it’s full extend,
and always of the highest quality I could imagine.
I saw him performing in Montreal, years ago at the jazz
festival, and in Vancouver in 1996 I believe, for the Jazz
Fest. too.
And then, I discovered the man, the individual.
Now, Eric Clapton often talks about JJ as his mentor and
he said in an interview with Vanity Fair that JJ Cale was
the man he admired and respected most, because he had
stayed true to himself, regardless of fame, money and
And this people, is unique!
And even though, I ain’t a big fan of Mr. Clapton myself,
I must absolutely agree with me.
JJ is a daily inspiration.
So, you can imagine my excitement when I realized he
was coming to Victoria to play in a small venue, in a
My heart skipped a beat, and tickets were purchased instantly!
![]() |
Magazine Double page |
We had planned to be at the show about 1 hour before
the door opened, trying to get some very descent seats.
However, we ended up being a tad late, maybe some 15
minutes or so, and so, some 30 people in front of us.
Not too bad so far.
So, then, it’s the waiting game, everyone has to love that
If loss of time could have a definition, it might be pretty
close to waiting in line!
There is many ways to cope with the standing still waiting
for a reason we don’t understand situation, from
reading books to having meaningless conversations with
some strangers waiting around with you, or, my favorite,
looking at interesting people for few short minutes and
then create their entire life history in an even shortest
period of time.
It is, to me, highly entertaining!
So, therefore, we have, the victorian couple, mid 40’s,
with the mother in law coming along, and the older guy
with is wife and their teenager son, only common point
is JJ, and the lady who could be somehow attractive, with
her pale blue sweatshirt, if she wasn’t over reacting all
the time, and also the 3 or 4 losers who simply and bluntly
pass in front of people to get in earlier.
The older lady in front of us got pretty upset about it,
gosh, i certainly don’t!
These guys karma is as dark as their jackets, and they act
like complete idiots the entire time, and so, idiots they
In those type of situation, experience has taught me that
it is way more entertaining to look at the douches and
After all, they are the one leaving with the karmacally
retarded life!
Suddenly, Mike, the HegemonyShift’s Editor, says:
- Look Serge, this is Matt at the door!!!!
I look and yes, it is indeed Matt! Gosh, i have not sen that
dude in years! Going into details on how we knew each
other, what type of project we worked on, and who he
was would take way too much time here, but just for the
story, let’s say he is a born american living in Canada,
and he used to promote shows. I did work with him years
ago, making promotional posters for his venues.
I do remember very clearly the big deal that occurred
when he promoted Clinton Fearon, but I ain’t gone go
there now, even though, it is quite a good story!
Mike said again, as I didn’t react :
- Look Serge, it is Matt!!!!!
As I still don’t react, my memories of Matt knocking at
the door, mike said one last time:
- Serge, look it is Matt!!!!!
Oh, yea, you are right did I finally answer, and he has
gained some weight if I am not mistaken!
At this point, I must add that, I had been very happy all
day long, and so, I was loud and obnoxious.
Dave, Mike’s brother finally arrived, and few minutes
after, the doors opened.
And IN we went!
![]() |
JJ Cale at The Alix Goolden Performance Hall |
The room is magnificent.
I saw David Susuki here, few years ago, with Mike.
I remembered the room very well, a church, the acoustic
should be exceptional, and it is small.
We are going to be indeed very close to JJ!
No stage, barely a raised up floor, one step ahead of the
It looks like we are going to have to wait a little longer
for the opening act to start.
By then, I am ready for some good music!
hegemonyshift.com | HEGEMONYSHIFT . A Periodical | June 2009 | Issue 3 | Page 21
Instead, I play the waiting game a little longer.
I look at attractive women.
But, and please, accept my apologies for being so judgmental,
but this was a challenge! very very few attractive
ladies at that show! Disappointing!
There is the dark haired white skin lady, quite charming,
with a pair of porn star sunglasses and a boyfriend, the
two young women at the balcony, one being blond with
long curly hair, the other with dark frames glasses, and
the foxy lady that I can see in between some heads, on
my left, 10 o’clock! This is Mike’s favorite by the way,
but with few exception not worth mentioning here, that
was it for the pretty ladies!
As I am observing the foxy girl, looks like what is called
a cougar frankly, I notice that the big guy sitting right
beside is looking at me. I looked at him at the corner of
my eyes, and, as he is most definitely looking at me, we
start talking.
Turns out, he is a fellow from germany who came all the
way to Victoria specifically to see the JJ Show. He mentioned
he had first thought about San Fran, then Vancouver,
but the only tickets he could get his hand on was
for the victoria show.
he looked at me and said:
- You look a little young to come and see that type of
I said:
- Well, I ain’t as young as I look, I have been listening to
JJ Cale for 27 years!
- Oh, did he reply, well, I am sorry...
It was so cute!
Rolf and I chatted for a little while, he has a camera, so he
is going to send me his pictures for the newspaper, we
exchange emails and such, and this is a perfect example
on how things do happen. It flows, there is no need to
force it!
This is indeed a very good sign.
And suddenly, that short guy comes on stage, he is quite
obviously intimidated by the crowd, sits down on a chair
and takes one of the three guitars that surround him, and
says that he is going to mildly entertain us until JJ and his
fantastic band comes up.
And, the short fellow started playing some slide/ picking
guitar, and, oh my God, was he ever phenomenal!
I do not ever remember an opening act of such quality,
and I have seen show in my life people, but Mr. Dawson
was something else.
A mix of beautiful - and I do mean beautiful with a major
B - music, from blues to blue grass with a rock and
folk touch, themes praised by blue grass people, simple,
straight to the roots, existentialism, and an obvious talent.
Alone on stage, Mr. Dawson will play about 5 songs, in
the glorious acoustic of the church, and the audience
was mesmerized.
When this was over, Looked at Dave and Mike and
- What the heck just happened??!?!?! A miracle??????
We were, the three of us, absolutely taken off our feet!
And, this is rare people!
And, more of the waiting game now...
So, JJ is not even his name.
His real name is John Cale, but, back in 1971, when he
launched his first album, Naturally, there was another
band with a fair amount of success, The Velvet Underground.
The bass player’s name was John Cale, so,
for obvious reasons, his name was changed to JJ. As it
worked, he stuck with it, but let’s all be on the same page
please, his name is John Cale!
Mr. Dawson had left the stage for maybe 5 minutes, and
roadies were setting up few instruments and tuning
them up.
An older guy came on stage, walking and chatting with
people, dressed with a jean, a pair of white old shoes,
and dark raggedy t-shirt.
This is JJ people.
This is what I am talking about, this is why he is one of
my most important role model, because, before being
Eric Clapton’s mentor, before being Mark Knoffler’s
mentor, before setting up the bases of blue jazz and rock
for decades to come, JJ is a simple man.
He is not touring because he just released a new album,
gosh no, no promotion for JJ!
He is touring because he is a musician.
In a fantastic documentary I had the chance to watch few
times, he explains his way of seeing life. He talks about
something that happened in 1972 or so, after the released
of Naturally, he receives a phone call from his producer.
The lady told him the disc was working pretty good, and
he had a hit! So now, he needed to get his stuff together
and start touring!
JJ simply answered:
- If I already have a hit, why should I go tour?
And he didn’t...
This is common sense we ALL need!
His themes are all about real life and real people in small
places, in big cities, it always feel like a life experience,
like something he actually experimented, or someone
close to him did. Therefore, truthness and honesty are
also being carried in his music. And this is very important
in the nowadays world we live in.
Because, someone who can stays true to itself regardless
of the events that life brings, is someone we should pay
more attention to.
These people might have an answer to many questions
we have.
So, am I saying that he brings philosophy to blues and
Philosophy IS part of blues and rock regardless people!
So, yes, he does!
And then, it starts.
Music flows, he is caressing the guitar, one could ever
wonder if he really is playing, he barely touches the
string, but there is no doubt that the master is playing!
With a male band of 4, drum, bass, keyboard and percussion,
and JJ on voice and guitar.
And he doesn’t stops. One song after the other.
He plays five song in a row, then stops for thirty seconds,
says something, and starts again.
He plays classics after classic, it flows so well,it feels like
witnessing a miracle.
When you play with the same guys for fifty years though,
chances are the music is going to be tight!
And so, it allows a lots of improvisation. He is not performing
at a show, he is jamming with his buddy in his
living room.
We are just the luckiest witnesses ever.
The entire show I am jumping around in my chair, my
feet beating the floor to the rhythm, I have a real hard
time not yelling all the lyrics while he sings, and I am
thrilled he makes all sing together the chorus of Crazy
Mama, which by the way, the audience sang perfectly.
Once in a while, Mike and I are looking at each other, we
are like, In heaven!
And he played and played.
And, frankly, I could have stayed there all night long, listening
to the 170 songs he wrote in the past 50 years.
An then, after one encore, it was over.
Ears filled with music, and hearts filled with love and satisfaction,
we head home.
As we leave, I say bubye to Rolf, making sure he has my
correct contact information, and I walked out, following
Dave and Mike.
I notice the dark haired lady that I found attractive earlier.
She is looking at me, more than once, and there is no
doubt she IS looking at me.
And, in the meanwhile, she has her head on her boyfriend’s
Go figure.
I just smiled and walked away...
You don’t come here too often
You make my day when you come around
You know I love you something awful
You’re a diamond I have found...
JJ Cale
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JJ Cale |
1. Low Down (?)
2. Black Clouds (?)
3. Artificial Paradise - #10
4. New Orleans - Travel Log
5. Thirteen Days - #5
6. Sensitive Kind - #5
7. Instrumental - Boogie Piano
8. Crazy Mama - Naturally
9. Magnolia - Naturally
10. Instrumental - Jazzy 70’s Style
11. Anyway the Wind Blows - Okie
12. Like you used to do (J Reeds cover?) - Sang by the
percussionist player
13. After Midnight - Troubadour
14. Call me the Breeze - Troubadour
15. Cocaine - Troubadour
16. Roll On - Roll On
17. Borrowed Time - Closer to You
18. Traveling Light - Troubadour
Naturally 1972
Really 1973
Okie 1973
Troubadour 1976
#5 1979
Shades 1981
Grasshopper 1982
#8 1983
Special Edition - Best of JJ Cale 1984
Travel - Log 1990
Number 10 1992
Closer to You 1994
Guitar Man 1996
Anyway the Wind Blows - JJ Cale Anthology
The very Best of JJ Cale 1998
Live 2001
To Tulsa and Back 2004
Road to Escondido - JJ Cale & Eric Clapton 2006
Roll On 2009
1. Call me the breeze.
2. Call the doctor.
3. Clyde
4. Mo Jo.
5. Louisiana Woman.
6. The old man and me.
7. Precious memories
8. Travelin’ light.
9. I’m a gypsy man.
10. Thirteen days.
11. Sensitive Kind.
12. Let’s go to Tahiti.
13. Mama don’t.
14. Deep dark dungeon.
15. Cloudy days.
16. Downtown L.A.
17. Drifters wife.
18. Grasshopper.
19. Money Talks.
20. People lie.
21. Lady luck.
22. Lean on me.
23. End of the line.
24. Tijuana.
25. River boat song.
26. Lonesome Train.
27. Artificial paradise.
28. Devil’s nurse.
29. Ain’t love funny.
30. Closer to you
31. Days go by.
32. This town.
33. Guitar man.
34. If I had a rocket.
35. The problem.
36. Fancy dancer.
37. Where the sun don’t shine.
38. Strange days.
39. Fonda-lina
40. Things aren’t simple.
Have yourself a good day.
As for me, I might draw...
27th of July 2011
NDLR: Our regular series will not be featured in that post but will resume in a near future.
You are so amazing at what you do!!
ReplyDeleteThank you.
I only wish.
Sometimes I rock, sometimes I don't.
Just like everybody else.
Have a great day
this is beautiful ^-^ I enjoy your writing!
so not so anonymous, after all
Bonjour Serge,
ReplyDeleteC'est Patrick. Je dois avouer que j'aurai bien aimé voir ce concert avec toi, quelques 28 ans après.
On parlait de refaire le monde, et de le découvrir, en XLR 125 en commençant par un tour de France. hummm, je roule toujours en moto.
J'ai découvert ton travail très récemment. C'est passionnant.
Merci pour ce clin d'oeil en intro, JJ Cale bien sur, et puis les Stones, Eugenie Sokolov, La nostalgie camarade.
Mon mail au cas où:
Awr, thank you Alicia.
ReplyDeleteYea, :D, not that "anonymous".
Hope you are well.
Patrick, ça c'est une surprise, et ça en est une bonne!
C'est tout ce que je peux dire pour le moment!
Ok, il faut que je t'écrive alors, et puis, faut absolument que j'écrive a Martial aussi, ça fait une paye que je lui doit un email!
Une fois de plus, merci de me donner des nouvelles.
Ça fait vraiment plaisir.
Et puis, quoi de neuf?