Thursday, June 30, 2011

Chapter Eighty Nine: Summer, Victoria & Stuff

But before we go any further, here's another great pic of another great movie, this time the original Tron.
Two of the main actors having fun!


OK, we'll get one more before we're done today.

In the morning stories binder, I have added the fact that the cops followed me for a little while last week, and also that there was that morning with no hookers, but a shaggy wagon moving quite randomly, if you know what I mean.
Now, I am telling you, I am not making that up.
Some days it is easy to get up, some others it is not.
But all things considered, it is not that bad to have to get up that early, you really just have to go to bed early as well.
And I am clearly speaking to say nothing.
And, I believe, I need a coffee.

Now, also, once in a while it is quite nice in the morning, the weather has not "yet", hit the floor, and it often looks like we are going to have a nice day.
Here are some of the recent shots that might be worth showing.
My phone is not the best thing in the world to take pictures at night, or when it is barely dawn, so, bare with me.

Building in Chinatown

Early Morning in James Bay

Sunrise on Victoria Harbour

The Parliament

In the Morning Shade

This Very Morning

And, as I was mentioning the weather, I don't want to complain about it!!!!! Nope nope nope!
I just want to make a statement:
- Victoria has the worst weather in the world. That's all.
It's sucks ass... Excuse my french please...

Next, few interesting pics:

Another Weirdo
That dude was standing there, not moving an inch, just like those statues people. But that one felt different. I don't know... Just another weirdo as my dear wife would say!

The Store on Yates
And that one, gosh, it feels like back east a little. I didn't know that store was there, do you?
And the breakfast all day, and the omelettes list on the front, and the weird colours, everything is where it should be, as far as I am concerned.
And, it was busy.
I plan to try it soon, and let you know if it is worth going down there!

Oh, and previously I mentioned that, the t-shirt saying I am Gandalf and Magneto, Get Over It was a fake. Here is the real pic:

And now, this is that time of the day:    C O M I C S    T I M E !

Now, I love that style.
It has a simplicity that, is so difficult to attend. And it really looks like it was done instinctively
The reflection the grey surrounding everything but the main characters, how the expression is so well define with literally no words!
I admire that work... A great deal.

And, even though, this is absolutely beautiful as well, my heart goes to the previous piece, for many reasons that I am not ready to explain now, but might one of those days.
This is more of the new school of graphic artists, and I truly prefer the old school.
However and regardless of anything else, the new generation was more than necessary.
And it was welcome!

OK, yes, I don't write evrydays, but I am present, and active somehow.
So, for now, that would be good for me.

Ah, my coffee and now almost ready.
So, that's going to be all for now.

We are going to end with a magnificent pictures of the filming of the Faust: A German Folk Legend from Goethe of course.

Voila, that's all for now folks!
have a great 1st of July for all my Canadians friends, I am working tomorrow, and so be it!


30th of June 2011


  1. I keep on reading Pinna instead of Pizza...
    And I totally agree with the covers, of course. I prefer the first one as well.

    And, ho, you may want to recheck the last part of the text, it feels like there is something missing in your sentences. :| (maybe it's my brain that is missing...)

    I love you!

  2. My commercialism betrays me but I like the second one


  3. :D, pinnnnnnnnnnnnnnnaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!!!!

    I love you babe.

    And, my english is just poor,:D, and i make myself laugh!
    ANd, of course we agree on the cover!

  4. Ah, but what is really interesting is that you link your choice to a commercial source!
    But ponder on it!
    In everything but my personal taste the version you prefer is executed in a "better" way!
    It is culturally interesting.
