Friday, December 31, 2010

Chapter Twenty Nine: Sketches & End of the Year

This year, I started to draw in a different way, or should I say, I went back to the source.
Here is some sketches I did, from the very worst to better:
First attempt: Silvia
Second attempt: Still Silvia
Third attempt: Silvia again
Fourth attempt: Silvia. Here, I started to get my hand on it.
Poor drawing of Mike
Ethan as Le petit Prince
Man in a coffee shop
Princess Leia
Dangerous Meghan
Meghan & Faye
And my favorite, Silvia undressing

Today is the last day of the year.
2010 was pretty good.
I went from being really really sick to way way better.
I went from being alone to being with the love of my life.
I went from a cold country to a warm one.

2011 is full of promises, with a trip back to the homeland, and life with my sweet heart in Canada.
Being reunited with my two wonderful sons, and looking forward to make more and more Art.

Have yourself a safe and enjoyable last day of the year, and please, live your dreams.
Don't drink and drive.

Voila, that's all folks...




  1. Happy New Year Serge! <3


  2. Wow! What true words from your heart, very inspiring thank you for letting us in. I'm jealous:) All the best in the new year. Words of wisdom from Bob Dylan to live by "I'm an artist I don't look back"

  3. Thank you Se7en.

    Happy New year to you too.

  4. Oh, who could possibly be that lovely jealous Anonymous?
    Thank you for the quote and everything, and Happy New Year to you!
