Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Chapter Three: A bad surprise... And then, it gets better...

So, yesterday morning, I got up in the middle of the night, and this time, I am fully awake.
Got ready and took off.
I started to bike to work, and I am okay, but about mid way, I start to feel like I am going to be sick.
Had to stop, and you bet, I got sick.
Then, I am all shaking and what's not.
Try to get back on the bike.
No way.
Walked to work.
OK, that ain't good at all, I really thought I was better.
Finally arrived at work, I am feeling like the worst in a long time.
Start my computer and all, but there is no way, my breathing is heavy, I feel stressed beyond imagination for no reason I can find, an the App we use at work is not working for me.
As soon as my supervisor arrives, we have a long talk...
It's emotional.
He's a good man.
Everything seems to point in the same direction, I should investigate further health wise, and take some time.
I feel terrible.
This is not fitting my plans at all... But I do listen to my body more often nowadays.
I walked back home.


I had an appointment at the doctor in the afternoon, to get the results of some heart test I had done last week.
I go there.
I am already quite upset by the morning episode.
I feel anxiety building up as I wait in the waiting room, my breath is getting shorter and shorter, I shake a little, I am not myself anymore. This is how it is at the doctor.
It's not my usual doctor. But it's not too bad. It's another doctor, a powerful young asian lady named Donna. Well, frankly, I am certain she is north american, but her roots are asian. Anyway, she worked on "my case" intensively last summer, so we know each other.
She is concerned about some pressures I could feel on my chest few days ago and a full loads of stuff I am not ready to share here. I asked about the tests. I want to know what are the test results.
Turns out they don't give really any answer. And I need to get more test done. Which by the way, I just finished to do today... The first part at least.
She sent me do all those tests and asked me to come back in 48 hours.
I am feeling even more of a downer....


Meanwhile, I need to get tones of papers for work, and this is such a pain I had not planned on...
Keep positive.
While all is dark, my wife talks to me and fixes it all.
She is a magician.


Today, awake bright and early, Mike had to go up island with one of the woman he works with. So we were both up and ready to go. So, in the morning, I have to go do a bunch of tests, meet the Corvair client, get papers for work, plus everything else.
This, I need to remind myself very often.


Ok, I decide to bike all the way to the clinic, if I can, cause i'll save tons of time, and it is good for me. I am getting the hand of biking in Victoria... Finally.
So, I get there and do the first test. In these clinics, it's always a lovely lady that tortures you. I think they do that in purpose. So you just shut up and look to the lady on the corner of your eye.
Anyway, while she is putting electrodes and what's not on my body, she is asking me questions, doing conversation, which clearly, is not listening to my answers. I guess that comes with the trade.
Now, x-rays, my favorite.
So, I change building, and here we are again.
Take of everything above your pants sir, says another asian lady, but this one has a thick accent, just like me, so we have some challenges understanding each other. I blame myself. 
Take a deep breath.
Hold on to your breath.
Don't move.
She takes few shots, it's over in minutes. Good, I will not be late for my meeting with Corvair guy.
I am getting dressed. So far, the asian lady has been very very cold, which is fine with me. Suddenly, she comes out of her little room, in the corner, where all the screen are, and she says quite loud:
- You are 43?
I say that, yes, I am. She repeats herself:
- You are 43?
Again, I say yes and smile.
She says:
- You look like if you were 25, which, by the way, is a complete lie. And so, she is all smiling now, and says, i just can't believe it, I am 40 myself (she actually looks about 35), and I just can't believe how young you look.
I thank her and get ready to leave. She is getting back into being her cold self, but as I am opening the door to leave she comes close to me and almost whisper:
- You know how it is here, all men look so old, that It was a pleasure to see you.
I smile again and took off...
Whoever knows me well knows that my ego ain't my priority at all...


Back to Mike's pick up the big print, and go to the Starbucks in James bay, where we'll meet.
I go there early, and it is freakin' packed, with a big line up. I start waiting, and one of the young lady who is working in the back, comes to me and says:
What would you like today sir?
That's most unusual for SB, anyway, I order my stuff, and she is all smily and smily... She also is quite attractive.
Anyway, I get my stuff and go sit. Joel arrived some time later. He is super excited by the print. He is a very neat guy, very alive, very energetic, and most certainly very smart. We talked about the t-shirts and he gave me some very sweet suggestions that I will most certainly use.
Every so often, I notice the SB lady looking at me and smiling. I smile back and go back to my conversation with Joel.


Joel's gone.
I figure I'll take the free INternet from SB so I can update my blog and check my sweet heart emails.
I need a refill for my coffee. I go on the line up, but the same lady winked at me (:|), and make the gesture to come to her. I do and she give me a free coffee. And she says:
- You know, i have been here since 8.30, and I will be here until 4.30, with a smile...
- Wow, that's a long day, is my reply...
I thank her go back to my sit. But I am smiling. I think of Silvia and I am so happy. The thought of her is so... Unique.
It's the most beautiful thought I ever had.


One drawing a day: Day 4
This time I decided to try to draw a figure. A fast sketch of my younger son Ethan.
It's really cute.
The first thing Silvia said is that it looks like the Little PrinceLe Petit Prince écrit par Antoine De St Exupery, and she is absolutely right, but it is not intentional.

Today, a little later, I will draw another one.
Earlier today, at the coffee place, there was a guy in front of me reading at the table. I took a pic of him, and I am going to try to use it for a sketch. Anyway, we'll see.

And I'll go see my friend Meghan this evening, and this is always so special and lovely, this is, after all, turning into a decent day.



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