Sunday, June 27, 2010

Chapter Seventeen: Cloudy Sunday

I have never been a huge fan of Sundays.
I like them better than when I was a kid, where I use to wait until the last minute to do my homework.
So, I would stress out all Sunday, until I finally did my dues.

Things have changed.
I am smiling while writing that.

The clouds are covering the city like a winter blanket.
We are the 27th of June.
Again, I am smiling.

I am feeling good.
A little tired, a little anxious, but good.
I am going back to work tomorrow, and I am looking forward to it actually.
I am eager to get back into the routine, to simply get back into a more social life.

I have been thinking a fair bit about photography.
I will write more about that fairly soon, trying to think more clearly about it.
Writing it down might help understanding it.
I always had a weird attitude towards photography, and still, often my photography has been more successful than my illustrations. I mean that people seem to relate more to the work I do as a photograph, then as an illustrator. Of course, this is a generality, but that is something I am going to think about. Maybe more than I've done, so far.
I am most probably going to need a new camera soon...
And some other toys.

I have been working on the third and last picture of the Father's Day series, and I am having a little bit more challenges with that last one. I think it is my least favorite. And even though, this might not be the final version, I'll post it the same. It still is, to me, like traveling into green water. I do/did enjoy working on those shots a lot, I must admit.

Ethan on Father's Day #3


Finally, a pretty cool pic that I have never seen before of Mr. Lee

Mr. Lee

I am really looking forward to the future.



Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Chapter Sixteen: In the Green Water Before & After

Another processed image from Father's Day with my son Ethan.
I really like working with the water, the tons and the bubbles, and the warmth of the flesh.
It's really special to work with.

I want to show the original pic, and the processed one, just to give an idea of the work done.

Ethan on Father's Day #2 Original Pic

Ethan on Father's Day #2 Processed Pic



Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Chapter Fifteen: Fucking Expectations...

I do expect too much from myself
I do expect too much from others
I do expect too much from life.

Ça fait vraiment chier.
Pourquoi est ce que je me fourre toujours dans ces situations a la con?
Bon, c'est clair, si je ne change pas ça, si je ne repousse pas ces attentes a la con, parce que, on ne vit pas dans mon univers, malheureusement, ben, je vais souffrir encore et encore et encore.
Putain, ça fait vraiment chier.

Putain de merde de bordel de merde, les gens sont trop égoïstes.
Qu'il aillent tous au diable.
Les pieds en avant.


Du coté de l'espoir, du coté des bonnes nouvelles, je vous présente: le futur!

Ethan on Father's Day 2010

Of course, I took the picture and did the processing.
And, even though I do say i am an illustrator, I am a photograph.
Deal with it Serge!



Thursday, June 17, 2010

Chapter Fourteen: Toys, Toys, Toys, and another Illustration

Recently, I started noticing cool things here and there, in Victoria, sometimes, it's not cool, it's just odd or interesting.
So, I pick up my phone and I take a shot to share later.
Sometimes, I draw it, sometimes i just post it here. It's just eye candy, there is a lots of things to look at when you pay a little attention. It's pretty cool, cause it touches everything, there is no rule per say, every subject is allowed, so to speak...
This is not a commitment, but just a note book. :)
It has no other purpose but to notice things, to pay more attention to details... It is quite something.
Anyway, here is a cool toy, a Bugatti, parked in Cook St Village. I love the garbage in the background. :)

Red Bugatti

Red Bugatti

Red Bugatti

And my son Ethan goofing in front of the majestic vehicle.

Ethan and the Red Bugatti


Now, let's stay in the red and jump to another beautiful toy: a Red Mustang!

Red Mustang. Oh my gosh, I want one!!!!!!!!

Red Mustang Parked in Cook St. Village


Up at the car dealer ship on Yates and Cook St, the difference is all in the nuance. A tad lighter please.

Orange Dodge. Oh my gosh, I want one too!!!!!!

Orange Dodge


Now, still in the cool toys category, just so we're all on the same page, this is mine!


Now, among the cool toys, there is also some weird toys, to say the least. But hey, it's free and it is right here in the street to be picked up...

Pink Coach


And, getting home the other day, there was such a light, gold, like if it was the Autumn. It's odd the light here, compare to where I come from, or even back east. A golden sun on that monument so many people adore. :D

Beacon Hill Park


And I am drawing. I stopped for few days, but did other things, and went back to it. It's complicated. I don't understand how sketching works. It's so different that what I usually do. I usually see the world in forms and shapes. Light and shade. But with sketching, it's more like lines and lines. It's weird cause, I don't understand it, but it seems that my body does, almost like an instinct. I feel some forgotten sensations, similar to eh one I use to have being a kid, drawing my comics, on the summer afternoons...

This is Jessica, Mike's new wife.
She is a lovely lady. She really is.
I tried to portray that gentleness she carries around.


That's all for now.



Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Chapter Thirteen: Illustration of the Day

Just a very fast sketch of my friends Meghan and Faye

Meghan and Faye



Sunday, June 13, 2010

Chapter Twelve: Meghan's Birthday and More Adventures

Life never stops, does it??!!!?!?!
I like to walk. It has not always been the case, in fact, I disliked walking for the longer time. I am, after all, from a place where no one walks anymore. You take a vehicle to go next door... :|
It's absurd...
Anyway, the other day I went for a 2.5 hours walk, and the weather was acceptable, sunny and cloudy, back and forth, and windy. I listened to a lots of music while walking, and I think - I hope - I smiled most of the time. My wife likes it when I smile. I owe her my smile at all time.
If you look around while you are doing your walk, you start to see a lots of interesting things, your flow of idea becomes different, in my case, it is story telling time, so to speak. I do have a vivid imagination...
Here are some of the cool things I saw along that walk:

Victoria is a port town. So, there is water, the ocean in that case, the Pacific one, cold and deadly, and beautiful and powerful. And, there is the boats. Choose the one you like:
Are you a cruise person who wants to go in Alaska?

Cruise Ship in Victoria Harbour

Or maybe, you'd rather be in a smaller one, like that Police Boat in the front, or maybe you have a huge ego and you want the big Aircraft Carrier that you can see in the foreground. By the way, there was some military display over the past few days, and so, tons of sailors. I am talking Marines dudes, in uniform and with all that you can expect. We are probably talking close to 10.000 here...
Let me tell you that, the ladies were happy... :)

Boats in Victoria Harbour

Walking on the beach along Dallas road, wind blowing, no one there, such a wonderful feeling. I like the ocean the best cause, it makes me feel humble. It explains a lot.
Heres the best spot of the day to rest for a little while and smile.

Lovely Spot

Further down the road, I was walking across Beacon Hill Park, once again, as Mike lives right on eh edge of it, and it is where I am staying right now. There is some artwork in the park there, there is "some" artwork here and there in Victoria, which are more or less exciting, depending, but anyway, here was a small children's water park. They kept the concept and redesigned it. It is very controversial, but what isn't in Victoria?!!?! I like the concept, it is a pretty funny idea, but I've heard that the cost of it was absolutely outrageous. I have not done any researches concerning this fact, so, i couldn't confirm or deny, but I do know few artists who find it to be one of the worst thing ever. Be the judge, if you dare:

Giant Water Can - Water Park - Beacon Hill Park

And, just to put the size in prospective, there's another one with a tree to be able to compare:

Giant Water Can - Water Park - Beacon Hill Park

And it was time to go home.


Presently, I am house sitting my ex wife's house, for few more days, as has is getting re-married. Now that I am writing that done, I realize how funny this sounds... :)
Things is, I have a very good relationship with my ex, being that, we have a child together, so, I let to choose your priorities, but we have chosen ours a long time ago. I have a great relationship with her new husband, and I absolutely ADORE their new baby! I love kids...
Anyway, so, they asked me to house sit their place while they are getting married and going in a super short Honey Moon. This way, I can make sure that everything's fine at the house, it allows me to enjoy having room and space for myself, and I can have both of my sons with me, which, is a challenge nowadays as I don't have my own place. So, all of that works out marvelously.
Now, the little one is quite something, his name's Ethan, and I will talk about him another time. He is almost 8 years old, and boy, he blows my mind on a regular basis!
The other one, is name is Meriadoc and he is 16 going 17. He truly is something else. I couldn't even start trying to explain who that guy is, but beside the fact that he is my son and that I love him beyond imagination, he is such a cool dude! Of course, he's a kid, so he can drive you freakin' crazy, but overall, he is brilliant. So, we were sitting around chatting, and he said, oh Dad, Tuesday is formal day at school. Formal day, hmmmmmmm... This certainly didn't happen back in the days when I was in school. Anyway, so he keeps on going and said he went to thrift sore and got himself an outfit. Then, he goes upstairs, get dressed up and showed me.
This guy he's freakin' AWESOME!!!!!!

Meriadoc on Formal Day at School

But wait, that's not all. Then he's like, oh Dad, I also made my Halloween Costume. I'm like, aren't you a little early maybe? He doesn't think so. And, omg, I laughed so much, he is so so so so awesome that kid!

Next Halloween Costume: Meriadoc as Rambo!


Now, it was Meghan's Birthday! How old is she? Oh, somewhere in between 20 and 60. She looks 28 though, just so you know. Anyway, one of those days I'll have to talk about Meghan, write about her, because, she really is amazing. I think that's all I am going to say here and now about it, but not only is she an inspiration, a role model and one of the most powerful woman I ever met, but she also is a friend. A real one. This is so precious to me, so precious. It took us a while to become friends, life is odd, but what is meant to happen always happen. So, anyway, It was her birthday, and we were going to celebrate on Friday night. We had to meet with her and her friend Dre (sp?) at Megh's.
First thing first, I need a present. Art will do. Not only is she quite an amazing artist, but she also collect art, so bang. It took me a while to find out the piece I wanted to get printed for her. But after much thoughts I choose the piece I called The Artist. I had never printed this piece before, so, not only does she get the piece 18X24 Signed and Numbered, but she also gets the #01. :)
Here's the original piece:

The Artist

And here is the print:

The Print & I

And the packaging:


So, then I get dressed, well, Meghan said we gotta be dressed, but my stuff is in storage, so I do the best I can, then I go to meet Mike. We meet close to Meghan's house, we get there, meet Dre, which i had heard from for ever, but have never met, so, you know, it's kind of special, and Dre is one of Megh's best friend. We stay there for a short while, chatting. Meghan opens her presents, Mike got her a print too, so it's artwork presents time. Dre has some wicked Pink High Heel shoes to die for... :|
- I do have a shoe fetish -
Nick arrives, it is close to 7.00 pm I think, and we are heading to Tindy (sp?), who is another one of Meghan's best friend that I have never met and have heard so much about. Again, I am looking forward to meet her. We arrive at Tindy's, her and her boyfriend are lovely, I really like the decoration in her apartment, and you can immediately see that she is a powerful individual. I am fascinated by powerful women. I have always been...
Meghan looks happy. We have few drinks and appetizers, the Birthday Girl looks wonderful!

The Birthday Girl

She also had some lovely cup cakes with candles on them. :)

Meghan & The Cup Cakes

Then, it was time to go to the restaurant. Now, there was a reservation at the old Doug hotel on Douglas and Pandora. Now, that place use to be a dirty hole, let's face it, felt like a Scorsese movie set from 1973... :|
However, it got renovated few years ago, and gosh, it is freakin' awesome in there now! The Hotel Rialto feels classy, and everyone is professional but friendly. It also has a lounge called The Veneto Tapa Lounge, a restaurant really where we are heading after getting separated and lost and what's not. More friends of Meghan arrive, my good friend Faye arrives too, and there is a great ambiance.
Now, I am picky about food. I don't really like eating, even though I have been working hard on that, so hopefully, there is hope. However, the food there is absolutely OUTSTANDING! I have not eaten such quality food since the restaurant at the Sooke Harbour House. And, not only is it fine cuisine, but it also comes in surprising ways. Lovingly decorated, the food often come in three small trays, which end up being three different trips to countries your taste buds have rarely experimented! I choose scallops and Tiramisu for dessert, which came as tiny miniature desserts, so tasty, and again, it comes as a group of three. Here's the Veneto Menu, if you are interested.
The evening is going well, Faye and I share our food, she got that amazing salad, and Mike the beef. Everyone agrees that the food is excellent. it's good to see people happy. It's very good. deep in my heart, deep inside it, I am sad. I miss Silvia. I miss her so much. But tonight, happiness is King... Or Queen... :)

Faye & Meghan

Another Megan lady arrives. I had not seen her in years. It's wonderful seeing her. Last time I saw her was for her wedding, I did her photography, and she is now, few years later, looking absolutely gorgeous. One more proof I didn't need that marriage is a healthy thing. it's the choice of the partner that is the trickiest part. Anyway, we chat for quite a while, exchange emails, and hopefully, somehow, might end up working on some projects together.
The evening is getting late, and I don't really want to get home too late, cause my older son's there, and well, I am a Dad you know...
So, while I am thinking of getting ready, Meghan insist for me and Maria to go downstairs in the bathrooms and take pictures... :|
I know, it sounds disturbing at first, but it ain't what it looks like. Thing is, the hotel bathrooms downstairs are gorgeous. I love outrageously expensive bathroom. Here are few pics, go check it out. :)

Corridor Leading to the Bathroom

Framed Photography

Chinese Furniture Details

And finally, again, the Queen of the night, quite obviously here, The Birthday Girl.

Awesome Meghan

Then, we all left.
Mike and I walked for ever, as we didn't pay attention where we were going, and you know, we went way past our objective. Anyhow, along the walk, we found that very cool add for a garage sale, and we both thought it was excellent!

Garage Sale Add

It totally reminds me of The Church of Bob.
And that was all.


Oh, and I have not been drawing at all, but I have been talking pictures writing and walking...
I do need to draw though. This is a personal reminder... Again...
Also, yesterday was Victoria Naked Bike Ride, three of my good friends attended, Mr M, A & N.
Good for them!

Naked Victoria Bike Ride

Enjoy the sun.



Thursday, June 10, 2010

Chapter Eleven: Pictures and Stories

So, yesterday, I finally had my big appointment at the hospital.
It went okay I guess, I have the tendency to worry too much. They use some pretty amazing machines to monitor your heart nowadays, it is quite something. But in the end, I really dislike going there. I will have the results sometimes next week, and we'll see. Overall though, I feel quite better. That medication I was talking about a while ago "seems" to be working... I am tired to write such things...

Waiting with the wheel chairs

Waiting at the hospital


I did a bunch of cool stuff in the past few days.
Mike convinced me to go in a rather long walk. Here are some of the interesting stuff that came upon our walk:

We were walking in Beacon Hill Park, and, like a lots of parks in North America, it is right in the middle of the city. Anyway, there was a baby dear there, in the grass, I would say few hours old, and I am being extremely generous. The mother wasn't there and the little thing was so cute. I had never seen such a tiny dear. Here is the prodigal fawn.



Then, Mike wanted to stop at that building that has some plants in the entrance, the lobby I guess, and it gives a weird feeling... Let me show you, it will make more sense:

Lobby of some building on Fort St.

Also, as you can see, part of the ceiling is made of mirror... I couldn't resist goofing around with the reflection... :|

Reflection 1 and 2

And, Mike...
I like that building though...


From there, we went to the CACGV Art Gallery and I would suggest to go check it out. There is some nice work, as far as my personal taste is concerned, and I would even say that some of it is inspiring. In any case, this gallery should be visited often, this is a place that needs to be supported.

Fairbank Calligraphy Society - New Work - May 23-June 2, 2010 - G6-1001 Douglas St. - Victoria, B.C. - Canada

Example of work:

Cherokee Prayer - Anne Atkinson

Letters - Alice Young

And down on Douglas St, another cool vehicle:

Sooke Blue Grass Festival Advertising Truck

And, finally, something kinda odd...

This is for an advertisment to go take a tour in a boat to go see the whales... It's very popular here. This is an Orca's jaws, Killer Whales... I am not sure that is the best way to get people to go on the tour... :|

Nice Teeth


Many other things happened, like, I spent sometime with Meghan, spent hours talking with Sil, spent even more time missing her, went to do a speech at the Oak Bay High School to a bunch of students regarding Art, and, I have not draw in few days...
This, needs to be modified.

