Here we go again.
Have not written a blog in like a week, that means I have been drawing.
And, I am smiling.
Kept on working on that piece I started and was talking about on the previous post.
I need to draw a bus load of people. That's the story in short.
Then, we'll see how it goes.
So far, so good.
But, that's a fair amount of work.
I try to not think about it, in the end, I am afraid I'll end up with 80 characters or so...
But, if so, then, so be it...
Last week, I showed a drawing of
Grant Morrison, since then, I drew the sailor from Malta, son of
la NiƱa de Gibraltar, and a sailor from Cornouaille. He looks good, but I ain't going to show it to you guys.
Then, I drew my favourite beast, in an angry position to say the least, and wearing his yellow spandex, but I ain't either going to show it. Finally, I am lost in the hair and beard of one of those wizard, so liked by the Halflings.
But once again, I am not going to show it to you.
Sorry, but it'll come later, all together.
On a more positive side, here is two illustrations showing two of the three characters I just mentioned.
"That" sailor from Malta |
Unexpected Guests |
Now, while we're at it, I might as well stay, somehow, in the Art domaine, and talk for two minutes about some work I've seen.
There's those guys who draw on the side walk with chalks, which I do respect. Few of them have talent, and some of their work is quite interesting.
I must admit that I am not a huge fan of that type of artwork in general, nor am I especially fond of their themes, or reproductions of classic expressionism piece, as it seems that's what they mainly like to draw.
But fair enough.
So, anyway, there's two pieces that I took pictures from in the middle of the night, not that it is specifically amazing, but, hey, it's worth admiring.
The first one, I am not a big fan of, I've never really been a huge fan of
Renoir, and in all honesty, I preferred his son's work, but my parents had that very reproduction in their house, and they still do.
So, I simply couldn't resist:
Girl with a Blue Hat |
The second one, I just found funny, and interestingly attractive.
This, by the way, was taken this morning at about 4.30 am:
Chalk Art on the Floor of the City |
And, that's all.
OK, let's say something about politics.
I want to go back for a sec about what I wrote lastsw eek.
I stated that the Tea Party voted a budget & they blocked the borrowing authorizations for the very same budget.
I was wrong in my wording.
What I meant was that the Republican party voted a budget & they blocked the borrowing authorizations for the very same budget.
But that the Tea Party had a huge part of responsibilities in the unacceptable mess that is going on south of the border.
And yes, I still denounce their discussing hypocrisies.
If they don't get very careful very soon and start to listen to people, they are going to get in similar situation that what is happening in Greece.
Here are two pictures that I personally find inspiring, to say the very least from Greece.
The inspiration does not come from the violence it implies, but by the fact that people still re courageous enough to stand up for what they believe and need.
We, need to learn something here.
Woman in Greece |
Man in Greece |
And, far away from there, two somehow legends keep the secrets the way they might need to be:
Hugo & Fidel |
Of course, on our own side of the story, we have our national puppet, sigh, who is a lost cause as far as humanity is concerned.
Here is the way he likes to portray himself on his Assbook page:
Yes, I drink Canadian! |
And yes, I am a real Canadian, flag and all! |
Are you freakin' kidding me!
Got get &#%@$ lost!
OK, enough with those tarts.
Let's keep the pictures coming, and let's have a look at two buildings:
The first one, that's where I work...
Not that it is especially exciting, but it kind of is.
This was taken this morning, while being evacuated from the building, due to some fire alarm going on madly:
Work Building |
And, another building, or a construction at least, of discouraging proportions.
I found that picture on the Net, and my heart felt for the man there!
Good luck dude:
I am almost done |
And, slowly but surely, we are getting close to the end of that post.
So, before it is time to turn the lights of, let's get on with our series:
"The AT&T Advertisement Campaign":
France |
Japan |
Morocco |
And, the great series of great movie pictures:
Guess who's that! |
Marathon Man |
By the way, we are definitely getting close to the end of both of those series.
It has been a good trip!
And, I smile again.
And then, I suddenly don't.
A Lady is dead:
Amy |
That's all folks.
13th of August 2011